Posts from September 2013

3 Items

The Christian and the non-Christian state 2

by Andy Robinson

In my first post I noted the differing reactions amongst evangelicals to the issue of whether Christians should seek to argue for biblical ethics to be put into national legislation. In this post I want to argue for an “interventionist” position- or, to put it another way, provide reasons for signing the Coalition for Marriage […]

The Christian and the non-Christian state- 1

by Andy Robinson

On July 17th this year, the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act became law. It is now legal in this country for two people of the same gender to marry. Bible believing Christians obviously have a problem with that- God’s pattern for marriage revealed in creation is between a man and a woman. So how should […]

Union with Christ at Magdalen Road

by Andy Robinson

Last weekend saw our first services as a church back in St.Edward’s School Chapel and Summertown Hall in order to create space for our building project. I missed them as I was having a thoroughly enjoyable time with Magdalen Road Church on their weekend away. It was lovely to see the south coast again (although […]