Numbers 9-10
The material for Numbers 9 and 10 can be found here
The WRBC Sunday School materials are collected here for you to make use of in your church or youth group. They are grouped by Bible Book or Theme.
The material for Numbers 9 and 10 can be found here
The material for Numbers 11 can be found here
The material for Numbers 13-14 can be found here
The material for Numbers 20 can be found here. I suggest sticking blue paper on the picture, or just draw the water coming out of the rock
The material for Numbers 21 can be found here
Sunday School Lessons Activity
The content for the material related to John 4:4-42 can be found here.
The content for the material related to John 4:43-54 can be found here.
The content for the material related to Luke 5:1-11 can be found here.
The content for the material related to Luke 5:17-26 can be found here.