We as a company of men and women bearing personal testimony to the saving power of Jesus Christ, having been made children of God, declare ourselves to be a Church, the Head of which is Jesus Christ.

We pledge ourselves by the enabling of the Holy Spirit to endeavour to fulfil the following responsibilities:

  1. To live a life consistent with the Gospel and worthy of our high calling in Jesus Christ, and to spend some time daily in prayer and reading the Scriptures.
  2. To share each Lord’s Day, in the corporate worship of the Church and to be regular and faithful in the observance of the Lord’s Supper.
  3. To fulfil the ministry of intercession both privately and by being present whenever possible at the meetings for corporate prayer.
  4. To live life in loyal love and fellowship with all members of the Church.
  5. To take some part in the work of the Church, according to our calling, gifts and opportunities.
  6. To accept our personal responsibility for the conduct of life of the local Church by being present whenever possible at the Church Meeting
  7. To pray for and encourage the Pastors and Officers of the Church in the discharge of their duties and to be loyal to them so long as they shall remain faithful to the Scriptures and maintain godly examples in their personal lives.
  8. To set aside and give a sum of money regularly and prayerfully for the work of God’s Kingdom at home and overseas.
  9. To attempt by personal invitation, hospitality and visitation to introduce and bring others to the Church.
  10. To witness to the Lord Jesus Christ by word and deed and to take part in the evangelisation of the world.