Posts tagged with ‘Church/State’

6 Items

Nuancing Political Correctness

by Andy Robinson

We are coming to the end of our sermon series here on Christian Living in a Secular Society. I’ve enjoyed working on this series immensely, partly because it has enabled me to use one of my favourite words- nuance. The sermon I preached on 1 Corinthians 5 was probably the most important example of this. […]

Election Thoughts

by Andy Robinson

Five years ago we spent an evening at church pondering the forthcoming election. We’ve not done that this year (I didn’t have anything new to say!) but I wanted to write some thoughts ahead of Thursday. They are not particularly profound- more detailed and helpful reflections can be found from the pens of John Stevens, Andrew […]

The Christian and the non-Christian state 4

by Andy Robinson

Don Carson has written a helpful chapter on the subject of church and state in his book Christ and Culture Revisited. He refers to the “rich complexity of biblical norms.” In other words- this is not a straightforward issue. The fact that God is creator of the world indicates that His values and priorities cannot […]

The Christian and the non-Christian state- 3

by Andy Robinson

The case against strong Christian intervention- or the reasons why you may not want to sign the latest petition- in the non-Christian state need to be heard. There is a danger that we simply assume that it is the right thing to do. Groups such as the Christian Institute and Christian Concern make the case […]

The Christian and the non-Christian state 2

by Andy Robinson

In my first post I noted the differing reactions amongst evangelicals to the issue of whether Christians should seek to argue for biblical ethics to be put into national legislation. In this post I want to argue for an “interventionist” position- or, to put it another way, provide reasons for signing the Coalition for Marriage […]

The Christian and the non-Christian state- 1

by Andy Robinson

On July 17th this year, the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act became law. It is now legal in this country for two people of the same gender to marry. Bible believing Christians obviously have a problem with that- God’s pattern for marriage revealed in creation is between a man and a woman. So how should […]